

East Ryde Scout Group provided a colour party for the City of Ryde Citizenship Ceremony in May. 

Mayor Jerome Laxale thanked us in his closing remarks at the end of the ceremony, and afterwards the City of Ryde Events staff also expressed their appreciation.

The colour party carries the flags for the mayoral party as it enters the hall and proceeds to the stage for the ceremony. We had joeys, cubs, venturers and leaders participating. 

For more pics, see the photo albums.

Joeys at our Group Christmas party with Councillor Lane

20171214 ChristmasParty2017

In January 2018, the cubs combined with 1st Roselea and 1st Putney on a pack holiday to Tuena.

Tuena 1Tuena 2Tuena 4Tuena 6Tuena 7Tuena 9

Matilda, our joey mascot, admires the food.

20170917 CubPackHoliday2017