Joeys Programme Resources

East Ryde Joey Scout Program




Theme:  Round the World - Africa

Meeting Type:       Hall



Activity Description





Coming in activity


Colouring masks


Opening parade




Fly to Africa on safari


Chairs, passports


Hunters Coming




Stalking through the jungle


Boxes, chairs, rugs etc….


Make binoculars

Make masks


Toilet rolls, glue/tape, string

Mask, elastic, pens


Animal feet


Animal/feet pictures


Mats out - story


Giraffes can’t dance


Jungle Charades


Animal pictures


Meet the Animals story


Interactive story


Fly home




Closing parade








Ging gang gooli


Story and song



















Bless all joeys everywhere,

Help them remember their promise to share.

Guide them all safely home today

And watch over them while they work and play.




Games/Craft Information:


Hunter’s Coming (variation on Captains Coming!)


Hunter coming – Hands up!

Lions - pussy cat licking paws

African Trackers – look in the distance

Monkeys – climb a tree

Shooter – run round screaming

African porter – carry a heavy load on your back


Stalking through the Jungle

Someone is the prey (leader to start) everyone stands at the back of the hall and creep forward as the prey has its back to you – when the prey turns around you must all hide behind a rock or a tree.  If the prey catches you moving you go back to the start.  Once someone catches the prey they swap places.


Animal Feet


In two teams – give each team one set of photos (feet) and pin the other half (animals) to the wall.  Taking in turns – one at a time take a photo of feet and match to the animal it belongs to.  First team to match all their animals wins – if they don’t match pinch of the other table!


Jungle Charades


Call each Joey up separately and show them an animal picture – they need t mime the animal for the mob so they can guess – try and pick the animal to suit the Joey…..


Meet the Animals


Interactive story – give each Joey one or two envelopes – make sure they can read the words inside.  Read the story aloud with the Joeys filling in the gaps


Make binoculars and masks - self explanatory!



Oompah, oompah, oompah, oompah.

Ging gang goolie goolie goolie goolie watcha,

Ging gang goo, ging gang goo.

Ging gang goolie goolie goolie goolie watcha,

Ging gang goo, ging gang goo.

Hayla, oh hayla shayla, oh hayla shayla, shayla, oh-ho,

Hayla, oh hayla shayla, ohhayla shayla, shayla, oh.

Shally wally, shally wally, shally wally, shally wally

Oompah, oompah, oompah, oompah

Ging Gang Gooli

During the first World Jamboree B.P. was looking for a song that everyone could sing, no matter what their language was.  Ging Gang Gooli was the result.


It is of no language, but it means a lot of fun. The story was apparently created later.


In the deepest darkest Africa there is a legend concerning the Great Grey Ghost Elephant. Every year, after the rains, the great grey ghost elephant arose from the mists and wandered throughout the land at dawn.


When he came to a village, he would stop and sniff the air, then he would either go around the village or through it. If he went round the village, the village would have a prosperous year, if he went through it, there would be hunger and drought.


The village of Wat-Cha had been visited three years in a row by the elephant and things were very bad indeed. The village leader, Ging-Ganga was very worried, as was the village medicine man Ha-la-shay.


Together, they decided to do something about the problem. Now Ging-Ganga and his warriors where huge men with big shield and spears. They decided to stand in the path of the elephant and shake their shields and spears at it to frighten it away. Hay-la-shay and his followers were going to cast magic spells to deter the elephant by shaking their medicine bags as the elephant approached which made the sound shalawally, shalawally, shalawally.


Very early in the morning of the day the Great Grey Elephant came, the villagers gathered at the edge of the village, on one side were Ging-Ganga and his warriors, (indicate right) and on the other was Hay-lashay and his followers (indicate left). As they waited the warriors sang softly about their leader Ging gang gooli, gooli, gooli, gooli, watcha, Ging, gang, goo, Ging gang goo, Ging gang gooli, gooli, gooli, gooli, watcha, Ging, gang, goo, Ging gang goo, As they waited the medicine men sang of their leader Heyla, heyla sheyla, Heyla sheyla, heyla ho, Heyla, heyla sheyla, Heyla sheyla, heyla ho, And they shook their medicine bags Shalli-walli, shalli-walli, Shalli-walli, shalli-walli, And from the river came the mighty great grey elephants's reply Oompa, oompa, oompa ... The elephant came closer, so the warriors beat their shields and sang loouder (signal warriors to stand and beat their thighs in time) Ging gang gooli, gooli, gooli, gooli, watcha, Ging, gang, goo, Ging gang goo, Ging gang gooli, gooli, gooli, gooli, watcha, Ging, gang, goo, Ging gang goo, Then the medicine men rose and sang loudly Heyla, heyla sheyla, Heyla sheyla, heyla ho, Heyla, heyla sheyla, Heyla sheyla, heyla ho, And they shook their medicine bags Shalliwalli, shalli-walli, Shalli-walli, shalli-walli, And the mighty great grey elephant turned aside and when around the village saying Oompa, oompa, oompa ... There was great rejoicing in the village and all the villagers joined together to sing ... Ging gang gooli........

Giraffes Can’t Dance

By Giles Andrecle and Guy Parker-Rees


Gerald was a tall giraffe

Whose neck was long and slim

But his knees were awfully bendy

And his legs were rather thin


He was very good at standing still

And munching shoots off trees

But when he tried to run around

He buckled at the knees.


Now every year in Africa

They hold a jungle dance

Where every single animal

Turns up to skip and prance.


And this year when the day arrived

Poor Gerald felt so sad

Because when it came to dancing

He was really very bad.


The warthogs started waltzing

And the rhinos rocked ’n’ rolled

The lions danced a tango

Which was elegant and bold


The chimps all did a cha-cha

With a very Latin feel

And then eight baboons teamed up

For a splendid Scottish reel


Gerald swallowed bravely

As he walked towards the floor

But the lions saw him coming

And they soon began to roar


“Hey! Look at clumsy Gerald”

The animals all laughed

“Giraffes can’t dance you silly fool

Oh Gerald don’t be daft.”


Gerald simply froze up

He was rooted to the spot

“They’re right” he thought, “I’m useless”

Oh I feel like such a clot.


So he crept off from the dance floor

And he started walking home

He’d never felt so sad before

So sad and all alone


Then he found a little clearing

And he looked up at the sky

The moon can be so beautiful

He whispered with a sigh.


“Excuse me” coughed a cricket

Who’d seen Gerald earlier on

“But sometimes when you’re different

You just need a different song.”


Listen to the swaying grass

And listen to the trees

To me the sweetest music

Is those branches in the breeze.


So imagine that the lovely moon

Is playing just for you

Everything makes music

If you really want it to.


With that the cricket smiled

And picked up his violin

Then Gerald felt his body

Do the most amazing thing.


His hooves had started shuffling

Making circles on the ground

His neck was gently swaying

And his tail was swishing round.


He threw his arms out sideways

And he swung them everywhere

Then he did a backward somersault

And leapt up in the air.


Gerald felt so wonderful

His mouth was open wide

“I am dancing! Yes, I’m dancing

I am dancing” Gerald cried


Then one by one each animal

Who’d been there at the dance

Arrived while Gerald boogied on

And watched him quite entranced.


They shouted, “it’s a miracle.

We must be in a dream.

Gerald’s the best dancer

That we’ve ever seen.”


“How is it you can dance like that?

Please Gerald tell us how

But Gerald simply twirled around

And finished with a bow


Then he raised his head and looked up

At the moon and stars above

“We all can dance,” he said.

“When we find music that we love.”