Group Information


The 1st East Ryde Scout Group is run by a fantastic team of volunteers who offer their time and enthusiasm to keep the group alive. Each youth section is run by a section leader and one or more assistant leaders. Supporting the group is our wonderful committee who help raise funds, organise group events and arrange working bees with the aim of maintaining our hall, equipment and other resources.

Meet Our Leaders!

Please say hello to them next time you are at the hall or at one of our events. If you wish to contact them please send an email to

Being a leader is an extremely rewarding experience and often provides parents with an opportunity to get involved with their children and their friends doing activities they may otherwise not have a chance to do. The training and uniform are paid for by the group so it doesn't cost you anything. Further training and qualifications are also available through scouting which can enable you to gain valuable skills and experience which can be transferred into other areas of your life or may even lead to new job opportunities. If you would like to get involved, please email our group leader. More details can also be found on the Scouts NSW website.


bob mugshot

Darren Mason

Group Leader

mokee indian

Lyn Mann

Joey Leader

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Phillip Ward

Assistant Joey

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Kris Arnold

Assistant Joey

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Glyn Bartlett

Cub Scout Leader
(Pioneer Pack)

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Paul Travis

Assistant Cub Scout Leader (Pioneer Pack)


Tim Mortimer

Assistant Scout Leader

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Kim Bunny

Cub Scout Leader
(Explorer Pack)

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Steven Green

Assistant Cub Scout Leader (Explorer Pack)

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Ian Stewart

Assistant Cub Scout Leader (Explorer Pack)

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David Sharpe

Scout Leader

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Sandra Webb

Assistant Scout Leader



Group Committee

Say hello to our committee members next time you are helping out with a fundraiser, or come along to one of our committee meetings and get involved. If you would like to join the committee or know someone else who would be interested, please get in touch with our Group President.


Mark Ottewill

Group President


Sarah Hyland


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Anna Hagarty


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Tony Savva

Vice President

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Dianna Rich

Fundraising & Event Coordinator

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Peter Blackwell

Hall Bookings Officer

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Rob Bell


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Jim Henderson
